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#名古屋 #町中華 #昼飲み 中華料理/香蘭飯店/激渋食堂/グルメ/東区/高岳駅/車道駅/Vlog/夫婦飯/日本





■チャンネル登録をお願いします! https://bit.ly/2tCy62i
■与作へのご連絡 yosaku.nagoya.walker@gmail.com
■ブログ ► https://yosaku-walker.hatenablog.com/

■ディープな街を歩く [Walk at Deep town] ► https://bit.ly/2WwmhvC
■寂しい街、商店街、横丁 [Deserted town and street] ► https://bit.ly/2NfzRPw
■名古屋で食べ飲み [Drink and Eat at Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2PlEMg7
■夜の名古屋散歩 [Night Walk Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2IA8kTx
■夜の名古屋ドライブ [Night Drive Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2WByDmb
■雨の名古屋シリーズ [Rainy Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2WqW1xR
遊郭跡を訪ねて [Walk at Red-light district] ► https://bit.ly/2UDOAY0


Copyright© Yosaku All Rights Reserved.

I'm Yosaku who lives in Osu, Nagoya. I went to "Koran Hanten" in Daikan-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City. This is a long-established Chinese restaurant with a store in the historic Daikan-cho, Higashi-ku. Run by an elderly couple, the restaurant is so popular, especially among local regulars, that it is impossible to get in during lunch and evening meal times. The food is of surprisingly high quality and delicious.

It is about a 12-minute walk from both Takaoka and Kurumamichi Stations on the Nagoya Municipal Subway Sakuradori Line, the nearest stations. Parking is available on the west side of the restaurant. Depending on the crowd, you may be denied entry to the restaurant before it is fully booked. If you want to be sure of getting in, we recommend that you enter the restaurant at the same time it opens or avoid crowded times.

■Kouran Hanten

Hi , My name is Yosaku. I live in Nagoya Japan.
My channel uploads one or two videos a week of eating and drinking at restaurants in Nagoya and the suburbs. I mainly focus on Chinese food, bars and restaurants, and eat and drink at various restaurants regardless of their fame or not.
If you like my videos please subscribe to my channnel, and comment and thumbs up!

■Please subscribe to my channnel https://bit.ly/2tCy62i
 And if you like it, please thumbs up
■email address yosaku.nagoya.walker@gmail.com

Copyright© Yosaku All Rights Reserved.
(I used google translate. I am sorry if my English is wrong.)